Saturday, September 27, 2008

Girl makes Fire!

Hey! Long time no blog, but moving will do that to a person. I guess I didn't really consider it moving, the only moving I've done so far has been once across a river and occasionally helping friends. But I really have moved! I'm realizing that slowly by those times when I want a tuna melt and am meltless... When I'm having an insane craving for Sushi but there is no New Fortune or Lillian to rescue me. My silverware is white and plastic, and my method of getting into bed is my desk. I share a bathroom and can no longer wander around in my bathrobe (at least not after noon when we have boys on the floor) or crank my music and sing at the top of my lungs. If I want food it's a trek all the way across campus (and you'd be amazed how big this campus feels when you're hungry.) There is always noise here. Always. But the random outbursts of screeching and hysterical laughter have, over time, turned into nothing but background noise.

Yup, college life was a change. But I'm adapting pretty nicely. I have learned a few tricks of the trade to help me through the days:
  • Firstly, NEVER use the second shower stall if you're in any way attached to what they call, "water pressure."
  • If people in the hall are being far too noisy and you need sleep desperately, the crowd can be dispersed by loudly sighing, "OHH, WHAT THE FRELL?!" (change curse word as needed)
  • The eggs at the Rot (cafeteria) are for decoration only!
  • Never venture near their tacos. They're nothing but little bombs of hell in a tortilla.
  • Go to said Rot only at 12:30pm for lunch and 6:45pm for dinner. Yes, it closes at 7, so you may be cutting it a little close. But if you want to get your food with as minimal shoving/running into folks as possible, stick to the off hours (just make sure to remember it closes at 6:30 on Fridays).
  • Breakfasts are always safe. This is college.
  • The printer will never work right before class. Don't even try.
  • Teachers never call in sick when you want them to, especially if there's a paper due.

And if you do forget the Friday hours for the Rot, you can just use the fire I invented! Ok, maybe I didn't invent fire, but it felt that way at the time. See, my amazing and wonderful parents sent me here with a single serve coffee maker, I assume it was intended for coffee. But it's now used for tea and instant oatmeal as well! It was one of the most exciting moments since coming to Goshen when I dipped my spoon into the freshly made mug of heaven and it came out with perfectly cooked oatmeal on it. I now no longer fear the odd Rot hours, I shall overcome.

Now my friends I will try and keep a better blog, but right now I have a couple papers to work on and a test to cram for, so if you'll excuse me...



Melissa Morgan-Oakes said...

good girl. smart girl. that coffee maker was supposed to go on vaca with us but we forgot it. so we sent it off with you, figuring you could at least have some nice coffee, cocoa or tea. But oatmeal - you could LIVE on that, and cream of wheat and instant grits!

Melissa Morgan-Oakes said...

you need a project at ravelry. and a stash. and a needle inventory. and stuff.

Melissa Morgan-Oakes said...

BBC Waiting for God. like.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog...It's like one of our random conversations on the web.